28th Annual APWA Road-E-O Success!


As many of you know, we typically hold our Annual APWA Road-E-O in May. Due to the tornados that swept through our area on May 10th it was delayed until June 20, 2024. The event was held at the Leon County Apalachee Regional Park Cross Country area, and it was a huge success. The competition included teams from Jefferson County, the City of Tallahassee, and Leon County. We had a total of 17 teams competing in 16 different events. While most teams from all three organizations excelled in individual competitions, the coveted overall event trophy was awarded to the Renegade Reapers from Leon County Public Works!  Attached are the results that can be posted at your locations.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who contributed to the success of this event: 

  • Leon County Parks for graciously hosting our event, with a special shout-out to Terry Wojdan and his staff.
  • All participants and volunteers
  • All those who generously donated items for the raffle.
  • The City of Tallahassee, Leon County and all our sponsors. 

Your support made this event possible!  Proceeds will benefit our APWA scholarship fund.

We eagerly anticipate seeing you all there next year! 


BBB Board of Directors